2019's best Drone Books for you to buy and read right now!
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Have a look at the Top 10 Best Drone Books to buy now.
These drone books the top best sellers and they are also the latest ones trending. If you want to learn about drones, your best bet is to have a look at these books and pick one that looks to fulfill your needs.
Whether you want to learn about how to use a drone or build one, or about drone photography or even how to manufacture them, these books should set you on the right path.
If you clicked the button above and read the basic drone flying rules, it is great. You need to be aware of some precautions and critical safety measures regarding flying drones. If you make a grave error then you may even land up in legal trouble.
Well, you will anyway be reading some books on drones, so we are sure you will come across more detailed information on how to safely and legally fly a drone.
Flying drones is fantastic, but reading up and learning more about them will take you a step ahead. So, go get them Drone Books already!
[amazon box=”3832733779″ title=”
1. teNeues
Above the World : Earth Through A Drone’s Eye
” description=”A book that will change your view towards our Earth. Giving out a massively beautiful perspective of the earth with the help of a drone. It is an amazing compilation of aerial photographs clicked by the drones that show unexplored Patagonia and Cliffs of Ireland.”]
[amazon box=”0134122771″ title=”
2. Eric Cheng Aerial Photography and Videography Using Drones
” description=”This book is a work by the award winning aerial imager, underwater photographer and publisher Eric Cheng. It focuses on points like equipment availability, how to become a better operator, guide to get awesome aerial images, regulatory rules in USA about drone usage and techniques used alongwith stories from around the world.”]
[amazon box=”B07822QKD3″ title=”
3. Brain Halliday Drones : The Complete Collection
” description=”This is a collection of three books on drones namely Drones: The Professional Drone Pilot’s Manual, Drones: Mastering Flight Techniques and Drones: Fly Your Drone Anywhere Without Getting Busted. The collection offers all that you need to be a superb drone operator and guides your way through it.”]
[amazon box=”1681981149″ title=”
4. Colin Smith
The Photographer’s Guide to Drones
” description=”A book written by award winning digital artist Colin Smith that gives you all the tips and trick that should be followed. He tells you how to fly the drone, how to set up the arrangements, post-processing techniques and file creation. He is an author of a best seller and is the best in the field.”]
[amazon box=”1259861465″ title=”
5. Ian Cinnamon, Romi Kadri and Fitz Tepper DIY Drones for the Evil Genius
” description=”This book is a compilation of three great and experienced engineers that share their ideas and views with us. The book speaks about various subjects like mechanics, how to be an excellent pilot, GoPro mounts, soldering, and enhancing your drone.”]
[amazon box=”1619615444″ title=”
6. Paul Aitken Livin’ the Drone Life
” description=”This book enlightens you about everything you need to inculcate in yourself for becoming a successful businessman by converting your passion into profit. It also talks on the grounds of various topics that need to be highlighted. The explicit descriptions are very helpful.”]
[amazon box=”0062693913″ title=”
7. Brett Velicovich Drone Warrior
” description=”An adventurous book that has all the official information that drones helped in finding out. The way drones are used today is extraordinary, it serves at all the levels and is a progressive technology. The writer has also ncluded his upcoming motive called African Eye to spot poachers in it.”]
[amazon box=”1727096533″ title=”
8. Damon Darnall
Drone FAA 107 License Study Guide
” description=”The most successful Damon Darnall pertains 25 years of commercial experience and has earned the name The Drone Boss in this field. As he has helped 3000 people to launch their successful drone business, he wants to do more of it through this book. It is a business guide for drone operator.”]
[amazon box=”1119049784″ title=”
9. Mark LaFay Drones For Dummies
” description=”The very 1st Edition of Mark LaFay’s Drones for Dummies is here. This book imparts constant guidance for you to becoming a distinguished operator and stand out in the competition. It will train your skills, talk about the basics like buying the perfect drone, controlling it at heights and how to stay safe while operating a drone.”]
[amazon box=”0857338137″ title=”
10. Alex Elliott
Build Your Own Drone Manual
” description=”This book tells you about writing an impactful, qualitative and yet affordable drone manual. You can also become drone manual developer with the help of this book. Fixed wing and multiple-rotary wing are the two designs for drones that are mentioned in this book.”]
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Top 10 Best Drone Books 2018 – Latest Bestsellers Only. The Coolest, Best and Latest in drones and drone accessories. You’ll love America’s Top 10 in all things drone.