Buying a canoe is not easy. It is expensive and if you get it wrong, you will hit yourself with the paddle.
Buying a canoe requires some initial research. You need to know about the different types of canoes and what will be a good choice for you. You also need to know a little bit about the best canoes and the popular brands.
When you have done some research, then what you need is a starting point to look at some canoes. The list of canoes we have in this article is just that. It is a list of popular canoes, that people have bought. Each has its own qualities, features and specifications.
We have out them here because they are popular, and will not recommend any specific canoe to you. with a canoe, you will know what is best for you, and by taking a look at the ones listed here, you will be able to eliminate the ones that are not quite suitable.
I mean there is the Wooden Boat USA canoe that is over $3000. That might be way beyond your budget, and also it is an authentic original design canoe. You may not need one at all as your plans with a canoe are totally different.
Go through the options, check their features and descriptors, and if you like one, read up the reviews on Amazon.
It is best that you have some experience already with a canoe before you decide to buy online. It is a completely different experience to have a close look at a canoe, check its size yourself physically, learn about its features from a salesperson, and then buy it.
Online you will only see pictures and read about it. So, unless you know what you are doing, its better to buy one at a physical store.
For those of you canoe-heads who want to order one online, this is a good list to start your search with. If you really like something, go for it.
Generally if you see that a canoe has enough reviews (above 20) and the overall star rating is 4 or more, the canoe should be a good choice.
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